Week |
Date |
Lecture Topic |
Event |
TA |
1 |
Mar.02 |
Algorithm Design and Analysis (1) Introduction of This Class, Basic Concepts, Time / Space Complexity, etc. |
Lab-00 |
俞铄点 |
1 |
Mar.05 |
Algorithm Design and Analysis (2) Sorting, Searching, and Selection (Deterministic & Randomized) |
Lab-01 |
俞铄点 |
2 |
Mar.09 |
Divide-and-Conquer (1) Mergesort, Selection, Master’s Theorem, etc. |
刘一鸣 |
2 |
Mar.12 |
Divide-and-Conquer (2) Sorting Network, etc. |
Lab-02 |
刘一鸣 |
3 |
Mar.16 |
Greedy Approach (1) Interval Scheduling, Interval Partitioning, Minimum Lateness, etc. |
俞铄点 |
3 |
Mar.19 |
Greedy Approach (2) Independent System, Matroid, etc. |
Lab-03 |
俞铄点 |
4 |
Mar.23 |
Greedy Approach (3) Matroid Example: Greedy-Max Algorithm, etc. |
刘一鸣 |
4 |
Mar.26 |
Dynamic Programming (1) Basic Dynamic Programming, etc. |
Lab-04 |
刘一鸣 |
5 |
Mar.30 |
Dynamic Programming (2) Weighted Interval Scheduling, Segmented Least Squares, Knapsack, etc. |
俞铄点 |
5 |
Apr.02 |
Dynamic Programming (3) & Linear Programming (1) RNA Secondary Structure, Sequence Alignment, Basic Form, etc. |
Lab-05 |
俞铄点 |
6 |
Apr.06 |
National Holiday
6 |
Apr.09 |
Linear Programming (2) Basic Form, Duality Theory, Simplex Algorithm, etc. |
Lab-06 |
刘一鸣 |
7 |
Apr.13 |
Amortized Analysis (1) Aggregate Analysis, Accounting Method, etc. |
俞铄点 |
7 |
Apr.16 |
Amortized Analysis (2) Potential Method, Dynamic Table, etc. |
Lab-07 |
俞铄点 |
8 |
Apr.20 |
Graph Algorithms (1) Basic Concepts, Minimum Spanning Tree, etc. |
刘一鸣 |
8 |
Apr.23 |
Graph Algorithms (2) Searching and Exploration. |
Lab-08 |
刘一鸣 |
9 |
Apr.26 |
Graph Algorithms (3) Single Source Shortest Paths (Greedy & DP), All-Pair Shortest Paths, etc. |
俞铄点 |
9 |
Apr.27 |
Graph Algorithms (4) Flow Problem, Maximum Flow, Minimum Cut, etc. |
俞铄点 |
9 |
Apr.30 |
Turing Machine (1) Computability, Turing Machine, etc. |
Lab-09 |
俞铄点 |
10 |
May.04 |
National Holiday
刘一鸣 |
10 |
May.07 |
Turing Machine (2) Turing Machine Variation, Computable & Decidable, etc. |
Lab-10 |
刘一鸣 |
11 |
May.11 |
NP-Completeness (1) NP class, Polynomial time, etc. |
俞铄点 |
11 |
May.14 |
NP-Completeness (2) Reducibility, Proofs, etc. |
Lab-11 |
俞铄点 |
12 |
May.18 |
NP-Completeness (3) Reducibility Examples, Proofs, etc. |
刘一鸣 |
12 |
May.21 |
NP-Completeness (4) Reducibility Examples, Proofs, etc. |
刘一鸣 |
13 |
Final Exam
Reading Materials
Syllabus & Grading Policy: Syllabus-AlgorithmComplexity.pdf
Slide for Prologue: Slide01-Prologue.pdf (Print Version: 01-Prologue.pdf)
Slide for Symbols: Slide02-Symbols.pdf (Print Version: 02-Symbols.pdf)
* Reference01-Set.pdf Appendix B.1-B.3 of "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition);
* Reference02-Proof.pdf Chapter 2.1 of "Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation" by John Martin, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Latex Tutorial
Latex Example: LatexExample.pdf (Source: LatexExample.tex, Fig-GraphG1.pdf, Fig-GraphG2.pdf)
Latex Helper: LatexHelper(ENG).pdf (Chinese Version: LatexHelper(CHI).pdf)
Algorithm Package Helper: AlgorithmPackage.pdf
Latex Tutorial: LaTeXTutorial.pdf
AlgorithmSample: AlgorithmSample.pdf (Source: AlgorithmSample.tex)
VariableSample: VariableSample.pdf (Source: VariableSample.tex)
Video Record
Video for Preliminary: Video01-Preliminary.mp4
Video for Symbols: Video02-Symbols.mp4
Video for Proof: Video03-Proof.mp4
Video for Lab00: Video04-Lab00.mp4
Lab 0: Proof (Due: 10:00am, 03/02/2020)
Lab00-Proof: Lab00-Proof.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab00: Lab00-Proof.tex
Submission Requirements: Submission Requirements.pdf
Lab00-Solution: Lab00-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab00-HongjieFang.pdf, Lab00-LongyuanGe.pdf, Lab00-XinyuXu.pdf.
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide02-AlgorithmAnalysis.pdf (Print Version: 02-AlgorithmAnalysis.pdf)
* Reference03-AlgorithmAnalysis.pdf Chapter 1 in "Algorithm Design Technique and Analysis" by M. H. Alsuwaiyel, World Scientific, 1999;
* Reference04-Summation.pdf Appendix A of "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition).
Video Record
Video for Computation Theory (1): Video05-ComputationTheory(1).mp4
Video for Computation Theory (2): Video06-ComputationTheory(2).mp4
Video for Computation Theory (3): Video07-ComputationTheory(3).mp4
Video for Count: Video08-Count.mp4
Video for Complexity Style: Video09-ComplexityStyle.mp4
Video for Linear Search: Video10-LinearSearch.mp4
Video for Binary Search: Video11-BinarySearch.mp4
Video for Linear Sorting Algorithm: Video12-LinearSorting.mp4
Video for Recursive Sorting Algorithm: Video13-RecursiveSorting.mp4
Lab 1: Algorithm Analysis (Due: 10:00am, 03/12/2020)
Lab01-AlgorithmAnalysis: Lab01-AlgorithmAnalysis.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab01: Lab01-AlgorithmAnalysis.tex
Lab01-Solution: Lab01-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab01-ZheXie.pdf, Lab01-YulongHui.pdf, Lab01-HongjieFang.pdf.
Poster and In-Class Quiz
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide03-DivideConquer.pdf (Print Version: 03-DivideConquer.pdf)
Reference: Reference05-DivideConquer.pdf Chapter 2 of "Algorithm" by S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Reference: Reference06-MasterTheorem.pdf Chapter 4.4-4.6 of "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition).
Video Record
Video for Divide and Conquer (1): Video14-DivideConquer(1).mp4
Video for Divide and Conquer (2): Video15-DivideConquer(2).mp4
Video for Divide and Conquer (3): Video16-DivideConquer(3).mp4
Poster,In-Class Quiz and In-Class Note
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide04-SortingNetwork.pdf (Print Version: 04-SortingNetwork.pdf)
Reference: Reference07-SortingNetwork.pdf Chapter 27 of "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2002. (2nd Edition).
Tkinter Tutorial
Official Documentation: Tkinter - Python interface to Tcl/Tk
Tkinter Tutorial: TkinterTutorial.pdf
Sorting Network: Code-SortingNetwork.rar
Video Record
Video for Sorting Network (1): Video17-Sorting Network(1).mp4
Video for Sorting Network (2): Video18-Sorting Network(2).mp4
Video for Sorting Network (3): Video19-Sorting Network(3).mp4
Video for Tkinter Tutorial: Video20-Tkinter Tutorial.mp4
Lab 2: Divide and Conquer (Due: 10:00am, 03/19/2020)
Lab02-DivideConquer: Lab02-DivideConquer.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab02: Lab02-DivideConquer.tex
Lab02-Solution: Lab02-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab02-ShengyuanHou.pdf, Lab02-HongjieFang.pdf, Lab02-SiyuanBian.pdf.
Different Visualization Tools (Click picture to download source code):
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide05-GreedyAlgorithm.pdf (Print Version: 05-GreedyAlgorithm.pdf)
Reference: Reference08-GreedyAlgorithm.pdf Chapter 4.1-4.3 in "Algorithm Design" by J. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos, Pearson-Addison Wesley, 2005.
Movie: Wall Street (1987)
Video Record
Video for Interval Scheduling: Video21-Interval Scheduling.mp4
Video for Interval Partitioning: Video22-Interval Partitioning.mp4
Video for Scheduling to Minimize Lateness: Video23-Scheduling to Minimize Lateness.mp4
Video for Optimal Caching: Video24-Optimal Caching.mp4
Video for Coin Change: Video25-Coin Change.mp4
Poster and In-Class Quiz
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide06-Matroid.pdf (Print Version: 06-Matroid.pdf)
* Reference09-Matroid.pdf Chapter 16.4 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition);
* Reference10-GreedyMax.pdf Chapter 2.1-2.2 in "Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms" by D.-Z. Du, K.-I. Ko, and X. D. Hu, Springer, 2012.
Video Record
Video for Matroid: Video26-Matroid.mp4
Video for u(F)&v(F): Video27-u(F)&v(F).mp4
Video for Greedy-Max (1): Video28-Greedy Max(1).mp4
Video for Greedy-Max (2): Video29-Greedy Max(2).mp4
Video for Disjoint Path Matroid: Video30-Disjoint Path Matroid.mp4
Video for Task Scheduling Problem (1): Video31-Task Scheduling Problem(1).mp4
Video for Task Scheduling Problem (2): Video32-Task Scheduling Problem(2).mp4
Lab 3: Greedy Strategy (Due: 10:00am, 03/26/2020)
Lab03-GreedyStrategy: Lab03-GreedyStrategy.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab03: Lab03-GreedyStrategy.tex
Lab03-Solution: Lab03-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab03-FutaoWei.pdf, Lab03-YulongHui.pdf, Lab03-HongjieFang.pdf
Poster and Proof for Disjoint Path Matroid (by Hongjie Fang)
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide07-DynamicProgramming.pdf (Print Version: 07-DynamicProgramming.pdf)
Reference: Reference11-DynamicProgramming.pdf Reference: Chapter 6.1-6.7 in "Algorithm Design" by J. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos, Pearson-Addison Wesley, 2005.
Video Record
Video for Dynamic Program (1): Video33-Dynamic Program(1).mp4
Video for Dynamic Program (2): Video34-Dynamic Program(2).mp4
Video for Knapsack Problem: Video35-Knapsack Problem.mp4
Video for RNA Secondary Structure: Video36-RNA Secondary Structure.mp4
Video for String Similarity: Video37-String Similarity.mp4
Video for Hirschberg's Alignment Algorithm (1): Video38-Hirschberg's Alignment Algorithm(1).mp4
Video for Hirschberg's Alignment Algorithm (2): Video39-Hirschberg's Alignment Algorithm(2).mp4
Lab 4: Matroid (Due: 10:00am, 04/02/2020)
Lab04-Matroid: Lab04-Matroid.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab04: Lab04-Matroid.tex
Lab04-Solution: Lab04-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab04-YetongZhou.pdf, Lab04-ShengchaoHu.pdf, Lab04-HongjieFang.pdf
Poster and In-Class Quiz
Lab 5: Dynamic Programming (Due: 10:00am, 04/09/2020)
Lab05-DynamicProgramming: Lab05-DynamicProgramming.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab05: Lab05-DynamicProgramming.tex
Test Case: Lab05-TestCase.zip
Lab05-Solution: Lab05-Solution.pdf, Lab05-Solution.zip
Best Labs: Lab05-YongwenSu.pdf, Lab05-ChenyangWu.pdf, Lab05-HongjieFang.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide08-LinearProgramming.pdf (Print Version: 08-Linear Programming.pdf)
* Reference12-LinearProgramming.pdf Chapter 29.1 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition);
* Chapter 7.4 in "Algorithms" by S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
* Reference13-SimplexAlgorithm.pdf Chapter 29.3 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition).
* Reference14-ModelFormulation.pdf Chapter 12.3-12.4 in "Introduction to Operations Research" by Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman, Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2015. (10th Edition)
CPLEX Tutorial
Get CPLEX from IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio (jbox)
Get official documentation from IBM Knowledge Center
CPLEX Tutorial: CPLEXTutorial.pdf, Model_Building_in_Mathematical_Programmi.pdf
Video Record
Video for Linear Programming: Video40-Linear Programming.mp4
Video for CPLEX Tutorial: Video41-CPLEX Tutorial.mp4
Video for Standard Form of LP: Video42-Standard Form of LP.mp4
Video for Other Programming: Video43-Other Programming.mp4
Video for Duality: Video44-Duality.mp4
Video for Simplex Method (1): Video45-Simplex Method.mp4
Video for Simplex Method (2): Video46-Simplex Method.mp4
Lab 6: Linear Programming (Due: 10:00am, 04/16/2020)
Lab06-LinearProgramming: Lab06-LinearProgramming.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab06: Lab06-LinearProgramming.tex
Lab06-Solution: Lab06-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab06-ZiqiZhao.pdf, Lab06-YaoSu.pdf, Lab06-HongjieFang.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide09-AmortizedAnalysis.pdf (Print Version: 09-Amortized Analysis.pdf)
Reference: Reference15-AmortizedAnalysis.pdf Chapter 17 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition)
Video Record
Video for Amortized Analysis (1): Video47-Amortized Analysis(1).mp4
Video for Three Methods: Video48-Three Methods.mp4
Video for Dynamic Table (1): Video49-Dynamic Table(1).mp4
Video for Dynamic Table (2): Video50-Dynamic Table(2).mp4
Lab 7: Amortized Analysis (Due: 10:00am, 04/23/2020)
Lab07-Amortized Analysis: Lab07-AmortizedAnalysis.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab07: Lab07-AmortizedAnalysis.tex, Fig-MultiStack.pdf
Lab07-Solution: Lab07-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab07-HongjieFang.pdf, Lab07-ZheXie.pdf, Lab07-ShiquWu.pdf
Poster and In-Class Quiz
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide10-GraphAlgorithm.pdf (Print Version: 10-GraphAlgorithm.pdf)
Slide: Slide11-BFSDFS.pdf (Print Version: 11-BFSDFS.pdf)
Learn Borüvka Algorithm from Wikipedia
Reference: Reference16-GraphDecomposition.pdf Chapter 3, 4 in "Algorithm" by S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Video Record
Video for Algorithm on Graph: Video51-Algorithm on Graph.mp4
Video for DFS Undirected Graphs: Video52-DFS Undirected Graphs.mp4
Video for DFS Directed Graphs: Video53-DFS Directed Graphs.mp4
Video for BFS: Video54-BFS.mp4
Lab 8: Graph Exploration (Due: 10:00am, 04/30/2020)
Lab08-GraphExploration: Lab08-GraphExploration.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab08: Lab08-GraphExploration.tex, Fig-Definition.pdf
Lab08-Solution: Lab08-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab08-HongjieFang.pdf, Lab08-JinyiXiang.pdf, Lab08-YetongZhou.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide12-ShortestPath.pdf (Print Version: 12-ShortestPath.pdf)
* Reference17-ShortestPath.pdf Chapter 24 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition);
* Reference18-ShortestPathDP.pdf Chapter 6.8, 6.10 in "Algorithm Design" by J. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos, Pearson-Addison Wesley, 2005;
* Reference19-AllPairShortestPath.pdf Chapter 25 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition);
* Reference20-Heaps.pdf, Reference21-FibonacciHeaps.pdf Slide for Heap in Data Structure Class from Kevin Wayne @ Princeton.
Video Record
Video for Introduction to Shortest Path: Video55-Introduction to Shortest Path.mp4
Video for Dijkstra Algorithm: Video56-Dijkstra Algorithm.mp4
Video for Bellman-Ford Algorithm (1): Video57-Bellman-Ford Algorithm.mp4
Video for Bellman-Ford Algorithm (2): Video58-Bellman Ford.mp4
Video for All-Pair Shortest Paths: Video59-All-Pair Shortest Paths.mp4
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide13-NetworkFlow.pdf (Print Version: 13-NetworkFlow.pdf),
Reference: Reference22-NetworkFlow.pdf Chapter 25 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition).
Gephi Tutorial
Get Gephi from Official Website
Gephi Tutorial: GephiTutorial.pdf
Video Record
Video for Network Flow: Video60-Network Flow.mp4
Video for Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm: Video61-Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm.mp4
Video for Gephi Tutorial: Video62-Gephi Tutorial.mp4
Lab 9: Network Flow (Due: 10:00am, 05/07/2020)
Lab09-Network Flow: Lab09-NetworkFlow.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab09: Lab09-NetworkFlow.tex
Lab09-Solution: Lab09-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab09-HongjieFang.pdf, Lab09-ShengyiHua.pdf, Lab09-YichiZhang.pdf
Best Visualization
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide15-TuringMachine.pdf (Print Version: 15-TuringMachine.pdf)
Reference: Reference23-TuringMachine.pdf Chapter 1 in "Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach", by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Video Record
Video for Effective Procedure: Video63-Effective Procedure.mp4
Video for Turing Machine: Video64-Turing Machine.mp4
Video for TM-Variation & TM-Computation: Video65-TM-V&C.mp4
Video for Computable and Decidable: Video66-Computable and Decidable.mp4
Lab 10: Turing Machine (Due: 10:00am, 05/14/2020)
Lab10-Turing Machine: Lab10-TuringMachine.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab10: Lab10-TuringMachine.tex, Fig-Access.pdf, Fig-Broadcast.pdf, Fig-Conflict.pdf
Lab10-Solution: Lab10-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab10-HongjieFang.pdf, Lab10-XingliWang.pdf, Lab10-ZhengChen.pdf
Poster and In-Class Quiz
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide16-NPReduction.pdf (Print Version: 16-NPReduction.pdf)
Reference: Reference24-NPReduction.pdf Chapter 8 in "Algorithm Design" by J. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos, Pearson-Addison Wesley, 2005.
Music: The Longest Path (1988)
Video Record
Video for Computational Complexity: Video67-Computational Complexity.mp4
Video for Definition of NP: Video68-Definition of NP.mp4
Video for Polynomial-Time Reductions: Video69-Polynomial-Time Reductions.mp4
Video for Basic Reduction Strategies: Video70-Basic Reduction Strategies.mp4
Video for Definition of NP-Complete: Video71-Definition of NP-Complete.mp4
Video for Reduction via Gadgets: Video72-Reduction via Gadgets.mp4
Video for Team Project: Video73-Team Project.mp4
Video for NP Directed Hamilton Cycle: Video74-NP Directed Hamilton Cycle.mp4
Video for Longest Path & TSP: Video75-Longest Path & TSP.mp4
Video for 3D-Matching: Video76-3D-Matching.mp4
Video for 3D-matching (2): Video77-3D-matching (2).mp4
Video for 3-COLOR: Video78-3-COLOR.mp4
Video for Numerical Problems: Video79-Numerical Problems.mp4
Video for co-NP and the Asymmetry of NP: Video80-co-NP and the Asymmetry of NP.mp4
Lab 11: NP Reduction (Due: 10:00am, 05/21/2020)
Lab11-NP Reduction: Lab11-NPReduction.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab11: Lab11-NPReduction.tex
Lab11-Solution: Lab11-Solution.pdf
Best Labs: Lab11-ZiqiZhao.pdf, Lab11-HaotianXue.pdf, Lab11-HongjieFang.pdf
Organization And Rules: FinalExam-OrganizationAndRules(Chinese).pdf, FinalExam-OrganizationAndRules(Eng).pdf
Answer Template: FinalExam-答题模板.doc, FinalExam-AnswerTemplate.doc
序号 (No.) |
队名 (Team Name) |
(Member 1) |
(Member 2) |
(Member 3) |
成都数据 (Data 1) |
海口数据 (Data 2) |
1 | 蒜法带师 | 方泓杰 | 颜培深 | 薛春宇 | 2016/11/5 | 2017/10/11-10/14 |
2 | 爱卿 | 葛龙渊 | 郝宏坤 | 王星力 | 2016/11/17 | 2017/8/25-8/28 |
3 | Huskies | 薛昊天 | 卞思沅 | 刘一凡 | 2016/11/6 | 2017/10/7-10/10 |
4 | 9-9-6 | 罗旸 | 韦福韬 | 向谨溢 | 2016/11/7 | 2017/10/3-10/6 |
5 | 专业团队 | 刘畅 | 胡胜超 | 谢哲 | 2016/11/8 | 2017/9/30-10/2 |
6 | 不知叫什么好 | 武晨洋 | 林少雄 | 苏勇文 | 2016/11/9 | 2017/9/26-9/29 |
7 | 不会起名字队 | 侯晟元 | 陈牧遥 | 谢泽宇 | 2016/11/10 | 2017/9/22-9/25 |
8 | Intrepid Charming Modeling | 彭乐天 | 姚迪熙 | 李洪旭 | 2016/11/11 | 2017/9/18-9/21 |
9 | anl.sjtu.edu.cn | 卓建衡 | 华晟驿 | 闫家硕 | 2016/11/12 | 2017/9/14-9/17 |
10 | Algo Team 1 | KAR CHUN T... | CHANYOUNG ... | TAKEHIRO M... | 2016/11/13 | 2017/9/10-9/13 |
11 | 1145141919810 | 王政栋 | 郑东林 | 姚以真 | 2016/11/14 | 2017/9/6-9/9 |
12 | 名字真难取 | 穆凡 | 唐嘉璇 | 杨涵章 | 2016/11/15 | 2017/9/2-9/5 |
13 | 上流社会 | 张靖炜 | 方志成 | 周烨彤 | 2016/11/16 | 2017/8/29-9/1 |
14 | 乌兹,永远滴神 | 曹俊翔 | 李森 | 吴仕渠 | 2016/11/4 | 2017/10/15-10/18 |
15 | 美很 | 赵梓淇 | 惠宇龙 | 魏逸飞 | 2016/11/18 | 2017/8/21-8/24 |
16 | algiaorithm队 | 陈铮 | 白骐硕 | 贺知行 | 2016/11/19 | 2017/8/17-8/20 |
17 | 奥利给 | 汤学涵 | 严秉昊 | 陈梦实 | 2016/11/20 | 2017/8/13-8/16 |
18 | 不做完project不起名字 | 温一帆 | 朱佳栋 | 林超 | 2016/11/21 | 2017/8/9-8/12 |
19 | Deep♂Dark♂Fantasy♂ | 陈冲 | 黎学丞 | 张振东 | 2016/11/22 | 2017/8/5-8/8 |
20 | Hello World | 徐昕宇 | 王泽浩 | 刘旭 | 2016/11/23 | 2017/8/1-8/4 |
21 | 老师让我起个好名字 | 张一弛 | 焦壮壮 | 黄中钰 | 2016/11/24 | 2017/7/28-7/31 |
22 | 名字不重要 | 王翊辰 | 黄霖 | 龚玲禾 | 2016/11/25 | 2017/7/24-7/27 |
23 | 邪王真眼是最强的 | 刁义嘉 | 陈思远 | 周轾 | 2016/11/26 | 2017/7/20-7/23 |
24 | Not Today | ELIZAVETA ... | LUDOVIC TA... | YERNUR KAS... | 2016/11/27 | 2017/7/16-7/19 |
25 | 取名癌晚期患者 | 田书翰 | 沈嘉辰 | 高文轩 | 2016/11/28 | 2017/7/12-7/15 |
26 | 算法小分队1 | 沈君陶 | 赵翔宇 | 白忱枫 | 2016/11/29 | 2017/7/8-7/11 |
27 | 算法小分队2 | 霍达 | 付益聪 | AKBOTA KUA... | 2016/11/30 | 2017/7/4-7/7 |
序号 (Number) |
姓名 (Name) |
加分时间 (Time) |
加分原因 (Reason) |
加分人 (Recorder) |
1 | 韦福韬 | 2020/02/22 | 指正Slide01-Proof中Proper Subset和Strict Subset的定义 | 高晓沨 |
2 | 方泓杰 | 2020/02/22 | 指正Slide01-Proof中强数学归纳法示例P(n)的指代 | 高晓沨 |
3 | 黄中钰 | 2020/02/24 | 指正Slide02-AlgorithmAnalysis中Bubble Sort的时间复杂度分析 | 高晓沨 |
4 | 方泓杰 | 2020/02/24 | 指正Slide02-AlgorithmAnalysis伪代码数组起始项、撰写渐进复杂度表格 | 高晓沨 |
5 | 苏勇文 | 2020/02/25 | 指正Slide02-AlgorithmAnalysis中LinearSearch的伪代码 | 俞铄点 |
6 | 方泓杰 | 2020/03/02 | 课堂回答Quiz问题 (Algorithm Analysis) | 俞铄点 |
7 | 赵梓淇 | 2020/03/05 | 课堂回答Quiz问题 (Algorithm Analysis) | 俞铄点 |
8 | 刘一凡 | 2020/03/07 | 指正Lab01中关于log的定义 (log默认为log_2,lg默认为log_10) | 俞铄点 |
9 | 薛春宇 | 2020/03/10 | 分享主定理推导笔记 | 刘一鸣 |
10 | 方泓杰 | 2020/03/12 | Best Lab for Lab00-Proof | 刘一鸣 |
11 | 葛龙渊 | 2020/03/12 | Best Lab for Lab00-Proof | 刘一鸣 |
12 | 徐昕宇 | 2020/03/12 | Best Lab for Lab00-Proof | 刘一鸣 |
13 | 谢哲 | 2020/03/19 | Best Lab for Lab01-AlgorithmAnalysis | 俞铄点 |
14 | 惠宇龙 | 2020/03/19 | Best Lab for Lab01-AlgorithmAnalysis | 俞铄点 |
15 | 方泓杰 | 2020/03/19 | Best Lab for Lab01-AlgorithmAnalysis | 俞铄点 |
16 | 方泓杰 | 2020/03/20 | 证明 Disjoint Path Matroid正确性,并写出完整证明过程 | 刘一鸣 |
17 | 王泽浩 | 2020/03/20 | 提出Disjoint Path Matroid证明思路 | 刘一鸣 |
18 | 卓建衡 | 2020/03/20 | 提出Disjoint Path Matroid证明思路 | 刘一鸣 |
19 | 姚迪熙 | 2020/03/20 | 提出Disjoint Path Matroid证明思路 | 刘一鸣 |
20 | 黄中钰 | 2020/03/20 | 提出Disjoint Path Matroid证明思路 | 刘一鸣 |
21 | 方泓杰 | 2020/03/26 | Best Lab for Lab02-DivideConquer | 刘一鸣 |
22 | 侯晟元 | 2020/03/26 | Best Lab for Lab02-DivideConquer | 刘一鸣 |
23 | 卞思沅 | 2020/03/26 | Best Lab for Lab02-DivideConquer | 刘一鸣 |
24 | 方泓杰 | 2020/04/02 | Best Lab for Lab03-GreedyStrategy | 俞铄点 |
25 | 韦福韬 | 2020/04/02 | Best Lab for Lab03-GreedyStrategy | 俞铄点 |
26 | 惠宇龙 | 2020/04/02 | Best Lab for Lab03-GreedyStrategy | 俞铄点 |
27 | 周烨彤 | 2020/04/09 | Best Lab for Lab04-Matroid | 刘一鸣 |
28 | 胡胜超 | 2020/04/09 | Best Lab for Lab04-Matroid | 刘一鸣 |
29 | 方泓杰 | 2020/04/09 | Best Lab for Lab04-Matroid | 刘一鸣 |
30 | 薛春宇 | 2020/04/09 | 指出Slide08-Linear Programming中ILP里整数和自然数使用混淆的错误 | 刘一鸣 |
31 | 王星力 | 2020/04/09 | 指出Slide07-Dynamic Programming中斜边权值的错误 | 刘一鸣 |
32 | KAR CHUN TEONG | 2020/04/09 | 课堂回答Quiz问题 (Linear Programming) | 刘一鸣 |
33 | 苏勇文 | 2020/04/16 | Best Lab for Lab05-DynamicProgramming | 俞铄点 |
34 | 武晨洋 | 2020/04/16 | Best Lab for Lab05-DynamicProgramming | 俞铄点 |
35 | 方泓杰 | 2020/04/16 | Best Lab for Lab05-DynamicProgramming | 俞铄点 |
36 | 方泓杰 | 2020/04/23 | Best Lab for Lab06-LinearProgramming | 刘一鸣 |
37 | 苏尧 | 2020/04/23 | Best Lab for Lab06-LinearProgramming | 刘一鸣 |
38 | 赵梓淇 | 2020/04/23 | Best Lab for Lab06-LinearProgramming | 刘一鸣 |
39 | 彭乐天 | 2020/04/23 | 课堂回答Quiz问题 (BFSDFS) | 刘一鸣 |
40 | 杨涵章 | 2020/04/23 | 指正Lab08中1.c无向图Dist关系 | 刘一鸣 |
41 | 焦壮壮 | 2020/04/28 | 指正lab06第二题答案的问题 | 刘一鸣 |
42 | 方泓杰 | 2020/04/30 | Best Lab for Lab07-Amortized Analysis | 俞铄点 |
43 | 吴仕渠 | 2020/04/30 | Best Lab for Lab07-Amortized Analysis | 俞铄点 |
44 | 谢哲 | 2020/04/30 | Best Lab for Lab07-Amortized Analysis | 俞铄点 |
45 | 郝宏坤 | 2020/04/30 | 课堂回答Quiz问题 (Turing Machine) | 俞铄点 |
46 | 方泓杰 | 2020/05/07 | Best Lab for Lab08-GraphExploration | 刘一鸣 |
47 | 向谨溢 | 2020/05/07 | Best Lab for Lab08-GraphExploration | 刘一鸣 |
48 | 周烨彤 | 2020/05/07 | Best Lab for Lab08-GraphExploration | 刘一鸣 |
49 | 卓建衡 | 2020/05/14 | 课堂回答Hamilton Cycle问题 (NP Reduction) | 俞铄点 |
50 | 方泓杰 | 2020/05/14 | 课堂回答Hamilton Cycle问题 (NP Reduction) | 俞铄点 |
51 | 华晟驿 | 2020/05/14 | Best Lab for Lab09-NetworkFlow | 俞铄点 |
52 | 张一弛 | 2020/05/14 | Best Lab for Lab09-NetworkFlow | 俞铄点 |
53 | 方泓杰 | 2020/05/14 | Best Lab for Lab09-NetworkFlow | 俞铄点 |
54 | 陈铮 | 2020/05/25 | Best Lab for Lab10-TuringMachine | 刘一鸣 |
55 | 王星力 | 2020/05/25 | Best Lab for Lab10-TuringMachine | 刘一鸣 |
56 | 方泓杰 | 2020/05/25 | Best Lab for Lab10-TuringMachine | 刘一鸣 |
57 | 方泓杰 | 2020/05/31 | Best Lab for Lab11-NPReduction | 俞铄点 |
58 | 薛昊天 | 2020/05/31 | Best Lab for Lab11-NPReduction | 俞铄点 |
59 | 赵梓淇 | 2020/05/31 | Best Lab for Lab11-NPReduction | 俞铄点 |
60 | 薛昊天 | 2020/06/16 | 绘制n=3, k=3时3D-MATCHING下的规约 | 俞铄点 |
61 | 方泓杰 | 2020/06/16 | 绘制n=3, k=3时3D-MATCHING下的规约 | 俞铄点 |
62 | 卞思沅 | 2020/06/16 | 绘制n=3, k=3时3D-MATCHING下的规约 | 俞铄点 |
63 | 黄中钰 | 2020/06/16 | 绘制n=3, k=3时3D-MATCHING下的规约 | 俞铄点 |
64 | 颜培深 | 2020/06/16 | 绘制n=3, k=3时3D-MATCHING下的规约 | 俞铄点 |
65 | 焦壮壮 | 2020/06/16 | 绘制n=3, k=3时3D-MATCHING下的规约 | 俞铄点 |
66 | 苏勇文 | 2020/06/17 | 视频组字幕制作校对 | 俞铄点 |
67 | 李洪旭 | 2020/06/17 | 视频组字幕制作校对 | 俞铄点 |
68 | 姚迪熙 | 2020/06/17 | 视频组字幕制作校对 | 俞铄点 |
69 | 龚玲禾 | 2020/06/17 | 视频组视频剪辑 | 俞铄点 |
70 | 颜培深 | 2020/06/17 | 视频组视频剪辑 | 俞铄点 |
71 | 张振东 | 2020/06/17 | 视频组视频剪辑 | 俞铄点 |
72 | 黎学丞 | 2020/06/19 | 指正 Slide16-NPReduction中的错误 | 刘一鸣 |