Week |
Date |
Lecture Topic |
Event |
TA |
1 |
Feb. 26 |
Syllabus, Preliminary, Introduction to Algorithm Schedule, Grading Policy, Preliminary, Pseudo Code, Proof, etc. |
1 |
Mar.01 |
Algorithm Design and Analysis Sorting Algorithm, Time Complexity, Space Complexity, etc. |
Lab-01 |
2 |
Mar.05 |
Divide-and-Conquer (1) Mergesort, Selection, Master’s Theorem etc. |
2 |
Mar.08 |
Divide-and-Conquer (2) Sorting Network |
Lab-02 |
3 |
Mar.12 |
Greedy Approach (1) Interval Scheduling, Interval Partitioning, Minimum Lateness, etc. |
Lab-03 |
3 |
Mar.15 |
Greedy Approach (2) Matroid, Greedy-Max Algorithm |
4 |
Mar.19 |
Dynamic Programming (1) Weighted Interval Scheduling, Segmented Least Squares, Knapsack, etc. |
Lab-04 |
4 |
Mar.22 |
Dynamic Programming (2) + Amortized Analysis (1) RNA Secondary Structure, Sequence Alignment, Aggregate Analysis, etc. |
5 |
Mar.26 |
Amortized Analysis (2) Accounting Method, Potential Method, Dynamic Table |
Lab-05 |
5 |
Mar.29 |
Linear Programming (1) Basic Form, Duality Theory, Simplex Algorithm |
6 |
Apr.02 |
Linear Programming (2) + Course Review Interior Point Algorithm, Midterm Review, Applications, etc. |
Lab-06 |
6 |
Apr.05 |
National Holiday
7 |
Apr.09 |
Midterm Exam
Midterm |
7 |
Apr.12 |
Graph Algorithms (1) Basic Concepts, Minimum Spanning Tree, Searching and Exploration, etc. |
Lab-07 |
9 |
Apr.26 |
Graph Algorithms (2) Single Source Shortest Paths, (Greedy & DP) etc. |
Lab-08 |
10 |
Apr.28 |
Graph Algorithms (3) All-Pair Shortest Paths, Flow Problem, Minimum Cut, etc |
10 |
May 03 |
Turing Machine Computability, Turing Machine, etc. |
Lab-09 |
11 |
May 07 |
NP-Completeness (1) NP class, Polynomial time, etc. |
11 |
May 10 |
NP-Completeness (2) Reducibility, Proofs, etc. |
Lab-10 |
12 |
May 14 |
NP-Completeness (3) + Approximation (1) Reducibility, Proofs, etc; Approximation Ratio, etc |
12 |
May 17 |
Approximation (2) Approximation Ratio, Approximation Class, Greedy Algorithm, etc. |
Lab-11 |
13 |
May 21 |
Approximation (3) Local Search, LP+Rounding (Deterministic, Randomized) |
13 |
May 24 |
Randomized Algorithm (1) Max-3SAT Approximation, Universal Hashing |
Lab-12 |
14 |
May 28 |
Randomized Algorithm (2) + Final Review Max Cut, Load Balancing, Exercises, Review, etc. |
Reading Materials
Syllabus & Grading Policy: Syllabus-AlgorithmTheory.pdf
Slide: Slide01-Prologue.pdf (Print Version: 01-Prologue.pdf)
* Reference01-Set.pdf Appendix B.1-B.3 of "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition);
* Reference02-Proof.pdf Chapter 2.1 of "Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation" by John Martin, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
Latex Tutorial
Latex Example: LatexExample.pdf (Latex Example Source: LatexExample.tex)
Latex Helper (English) LatexHelper(ENG).pdf (Chinese Version: LatexHelper(CHI).pdf)
Algorithm Package Helper: AlgorithmPackage.pdf
Latex Tutorial: LaTeXTutorial.pdf
Reading Materials
Algorithm Analysis: Slide02-AlgorithmAnalysis.pdf (Print Version: 02-AlgorithmAnalysis.pdf)
Reference: * Reference03-AlgorithmAnalysis.pdf -- Chapter 1 in "Algorithm Design Technique and Analysis" by M. H. Alsuwaiyel, World Scientific, 1999.
* Reference04-Summation.pdf -- Appendix A of "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition);
Lab 1: Algorithm Analysis (Due: 10:00am, 03/05/2018)
Lab01-AlgorithmAnalysis: Lab01-AlgorithmAnalysis.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab01: Lab01-AlgorithmAnalysis.tex
Submission Requirements: SubmissionRequirements.pdf
Lab01-Solution: Lab01-Solution.pdf
New Solution of Lab01-Q2: Excellent Works by Jonas Windmüller
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide03-DivideConquer.pdf (Print Version: 03-DivideConquer.pdf)
Reference: Reference05-DivideConquer.pdf Chapter 2 in "Algorithm" by S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide04-SortingNetwork.pdf (Print Version: 04-SortingNetwork.pdf)
Reference: Reference06-SortingNetwork.pdf Chapter 27 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2002. (2nd Edition)
Microsoft Visio Tutorial
Official Tutorial from Microsoft: A Beginner's Guide to Visio
Another version from Tutorials Point: Microsoft Visio Tutorial.pdf
Lab 2: Divide and Conquer (Due: 10:00, 03/12/2018)
Lab02-DivideConquer: Lab02-DivideConquer.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab02: Lab02-DivideConquer.tex
Figure Source: Fig-Transposition.pdf (You need to compile the .tex file and the .pdf figure file together)
Code Source: Code-Range.cpp
Additional Figure Source: Fig-RecurrenceTree.vsdx (You can modify this figure and save as a .pdf figure file to insert into your .tex file)
Submission Requirements: SubmissionRequirements.pdf
Lab02-Solution: Lab02-Solution.pdf
Reading Materials
Greedy Strategy: Slide05-GreedyAlgorithm.pdf (Print Version: 05-GreedyAlgorithm.pdf)
Reference: Reference07-GreedyAlgorithm.pdf Chapter 4.1-4.3 in "Algorithm Design" by J. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos, Pearson-Addison Wesley, 2005.
Lab 3: Greedy Strategy (Due: 10:00, 03/19/2018)
Lab02-GreedyStrategy: Lab03-GreedyStrategy.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab03: Lab03-GreedyStrategy.tex
Code Source: Lab03-Code.zip
Lab03-Solution: Lab03-Solution.zip
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide06-Matroid.pdf (Print Version: 06-Matroid.pdf)
* Reference08-Matroid.pdf Chapter 16.4 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition);
* Chapter 2.1-2.2 in "Design and Analysis of Approximation Algorithms" by D.-Z. Du, K.-I. Ko, and X. D. Hu, Springer, 2012.
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide07-DynamicProgramming.pdf (Print Version: 07-DynamicProgramming.pdf)
Reference: Reference09-DynamicProgramming.pdf Chapter 6.1-6.7 in "Algorithm Design " by J. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos, Pearson-Addison Wesley, 2005.
Lab 4: Dynamic Programming (Due: 10:00, 03/26/2018)
Lab04-DynamicProgramming: Lab04-DynamicProgramming.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab04: Lab04-DynamicProgramming.tex
Lab04-Solution: Lab04-Solution.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide08-AmortizedAnalysis.pdf(Print Version: 08-AmortizedAnalysis.pdf)
Reference: Reference10-AmortizedAnalysis.pdf Chapter 17 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition)
Lab 5: Amortized Analysis (Due: 10:00, 04/02/2018)
Lab05-AmortizedAnalysis&LinearProgramming: Lab05-AmortizedAnalysis.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab05: Lab05-AmortizedAnalysis.tex
Figure Source of Lab05: Fig-Multistack.pdf
Lab05-Solution: Lab05-Solution.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide09-LinearProgramming.pdf (Print Version: 09-LinearProgramming.pdf)
Slide: Slide09-SimplexAlgorithm.pdf
* Reference11-LinearProgramming.pdf Chapter 29.1 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition).
* Chapter 7.4 in "Algorithm" by S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
CPLEX Tutorial
Get CPLEX from IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio
Get official documentation from IBM Knowledge Center
CPLEX Tutorial: CPLEXTutorial.pdf
Lab 6: CPLEX (Due: 10:00, 04/16/2018)
Lab06-CPLEX: Lab06-CPLEX.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab06: Lab06-CPLEX.tex
Lab06-Solution: Lab06-Solution.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide11-Graph.pdf (Print Version: 11-Graph.pdf)
Slide: Slide12-BFSDFS.pdf (Print Version: 12-BFSDFS.pdf)
Reference: Reference13-GraphDecomposition.pdf Chapter 3, 4 in "Algorithm" by S. Dasgupta, C. H. Papadimitriou, and U. V. Vazirani, McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Lab 7: Graph (Due: 10:00, 04/26/2018)
Lab07-Graph: Lab07-Graph.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab07: Lab07-Graph.tex Fig-Graph.pdf
Resources of Lab07: Lab07-Stack.vsd Data-Graph.txt
Lab07-Solution: Lab07-Solution.pdf Lab07-Solution-Code.zip
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide13-ShortestPath.pdf (Print Version: 13-ShortestPath.pdf)
* Reference14-ShortestPath.pdf Chapter 24 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition);
* Reference15-ShortestPathDP.pdf Chapter 6.8, 6.10 in "Algorithm Design" by J. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos, Pearson-Addison Wesley, 2005;
* Reference16-AllPairShortestPath.pdf Chapter 25 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition).
Lab 8: Shortest Path (Due: 10:00, 05/03/2018)
Lab08-ShortestPath: Lab08-ShortestPath.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab08: Lab08-ShortestPath.tex Fig-example.pdf
Lab08-Solution: Lab08-Solution.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide14-NetworkFlow.pdf (Print Version: 14-NetworkFlow.pdf)
Reference: Chapter 25 in "Introduction to Algorithms" by T. Cormen, C. Leiserson, R. Rivest, C. Stein, The MIT Press, 2009. (3rd Edition). Reference17-NetworkFlow.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide15-TuringMachine.pdf (Print Version: 15-TuringMachine.pdf)
Reference: Reference18-TuringMachine.pdf Chapter 1 in "Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach", by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak, Cambridge University Press, 2006
Lab 9: Turing Machine and Reduction (Due: 10:00, 05/10/2018)
Lab09-TuringMachineAndReduction: Lab09-TuringMachineAndReduction.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab09: Lab09-TuringMachineAndReduction.tex
Figure Source of Lab09: Fig-ZigZag.pdf
Lab09-Solution: Lab09-Solution.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide16-NPReduction.pdf (Print Version: 16-NPReduction.pdf)
Solution of Reduction Example in Class: Solution-Reducing-3_SAT-to-3D_Matching.pdf
Reference: Reference19-NPReduction.pdf Chapter 8 in "Algorithm Design" by J. Kleinberg, and E. Tardos, Pearson-Addison Wesley, 2005
Lab 10: NP Reduction (Due: 10:00, 05/17/2018)
Lab10-NPReduction: Lab10-NPReduction.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab10: Lab10-NPReduction.tex
Figure Source of Lab10: Fig.pdf
Lab10-Solution: Lab10-Solution.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide17-Approximation.pdf (Print Version: 17-Approximation.pdf)
Reference: Reference20-Approximation.pdf Chapter 1.1, 2.1, 2.3 in "Design of Approximation Algorithms " by D. Williamson, and D. Shomoys, Cambridge University Press, 2010
Lab 11: Approximation (Due: 10:00, 05/24/2018)
Lab11-Approximation: Lab11-Approximation.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab11: Lab11-Approximation.tex
Lab11-Solution: Lab11-Solution.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide18-ApproximationII.pdf (Print Version: 18-ApproximationII.pdf)
Reference: Reference21-ApproximationII.pdf Reference: Chapter 14 in "Approximation Algorithms" by V. Vazirani, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
Lab 12: RandomizedAlgorithm (Due: 10:00, 05/31/2018)
Lab12-RandomizedAlgorithm: Lab12-RandomizedAlgorithm.pdf
LaTeX Source of Lab12: Lab12-RandomizedAlgorithm.tex
Lab12-Solution: Lab12-Solution.pdf
Reading Materials
Slide: Slide19-RandomizedAlgorithm.pdf (Print Version: 19-RandomizedAlgorithm.pdf)
* Lecture 19 of CS 38: Introduction to Algorithms by Chris Umans, California Institute of Technology;
* CPSC 536N: Randomized Algorithms by Nicholas Harvey, University of British Columbia;
* CSE525: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis by James R. Lee, University of Washington.
序号 (No.) |
队名 (Team Name) |
(Member 1) |
(Member 2) |
(Member 3) |
题目 (Project) |
时间 (Time) |
1 | Three Single Dogs | 夏宇晨 | 刘永志 | 肖贺军 | Project 02: Logistic Network | 2018-4-4 20:03:21 |
2 | CCC | 陈昕鑫 | 晁佳欢 | 崔炜皞 | Project 02: Logistic Network | 2018-4-4 20:03:20 |
3 | 1DUTCH & 2PAK | MUHAMMAD J... | USMAN ALI | MICHIEL VA... | Project 01: Touring Plan | 2018-4-4 20:43:46 |
4 | K&W | MUHAMMAD H... | 刘雨桐 | Project 01: Touring Plan | 2018-4-4 20:03:36 | |
5 | Rockets | 方品 | 王晓晨 | 赵一 | Project 02: Logistic Network | 2018-4-4 20:31:03 |
6 | 328 | 吴关昊 | 王超 | 吴齐天 | Project 01: Touring Plan | 2018-4-4 20:03:11 |
7 | ZFW | 吴昕宇 | 周浩 | 范佳豪 | Project 02: Logistic Network | 2018-4-4 20:03:27 |
8 | JONAS ARNE... | 宋道涵 | 卢倩倩 | Project 01: Touring Plan | 2018-4-4 20:16:08 | |
9 | CHAOS | 张鹏程 | 宋晗 | SYED MUZAM... | Project 02: Logistic Network | 2018-4-4 20:04:30 |
10 | Θ(n) | 张君鹏 | 陈人望 | 吕洪涛 | Project 02: Logistic Network | 2018-4-4 20:04:00 |
11 | Infinity | 顾振兴 | 王鹏宇 | 蒋希坤 | Project 02: Logistic Network | 2018-4-4 20:28:32 |
12 | AA&T Squad | MUHAMMAD N... | RIAZ ALI | MARTIN PAU... | Project 02: Logistic Network | 2018-4-4 20:15:33 |
13 | SGANG | JEROME WAN | REMY BONNE... | SEBASTIAN ... | Project 02: Logistic Network | 2018-4-4 20:41:18 |
14 | fishman | 杨释心 | 肖弼 | 周逸伦 | Project 01: Touring Plan | 2018-6-14 00:05:21 |
15 | iCAT newbies | 许晓童 | 齐雨飞 | 张衍 | Project 01: Touring Plan | 2018-6-13 23:09:13 |
16 | GreenTea | BILAL KORI... | ALIZA GHUL... | 蒋健巍 | Project 01: Touring Plan | 2018-4-5 00:30:37 |