
Conference Program (At a Glance. We may update some information subsequently)

Day 1: August 23 2024
9:00 - 18:00 Registration
9:30 - 11:30 Tutorial: Online Correlated Selection
Speaker: Huang Zhiyi
11:30 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 15:00 Tutorial: TCS and OR in Industry
Speaker: Huawei Taylor Lab
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:30 Tutorial: TBD
Speaker: Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi
18:00 - 21:00 Reception
Day 2: August 24 2024
8:40 - 9:00 Opening Address
9:00 - 10:20 Keynote Speech: Complexity Dichotomies for Maximum Weighted Digraph Partition Problem and Valued Constraint Satisfaction Problem
Speaker: Gregory Gutin
10:20 - 10:40 Coffee break
10:40 - 12:00 Keynote Speech: A Bidding Game for Allocation of Indivisible Goods
Speaker: Uriel Feige
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:48 Session 1: Computational Complexity and Approximation Algorithms (1)
Session 2: Graph Algorithms (1)
Session 3: Algorithm Application (1)
Session 4: Combinatorics and Algorithm (1)
15:48 - 16:08 Coffee Break
16:08 - 17:56 Session 5: Computational Complexity and Approximation Algorithms (2)
Session 6: Graph Algorithms (2)
Session 7: Algorithm Application (2)
Session 8: Online Algorithm and Streaming Algorithm (1)
Each paper will take 18 minutes to present.
18:00 - 21:00 Banquet
Day 3: August 25 2024
9:00 - 10:20 Keynote Speech: Industrial Internet of Things
Speaker: Yunhao Liu
10:20 - 10:40 Coffee Break
10:40 - 12:00 Keynote Speech: When Combinatorial Optimization Meets Quantum Computing
Speaker: My Thai
12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:48 Session 9: Algorithm Application (3)
Session 10: Graph Algorithms (3)
Session 11: Combinatorics and Algorithm (2)
Session 12: Online Algorithm and Streaming Algorithm (2)
15:48 - 16:08 Coffee Break
16:08 - 17:38 Session 13: Algorithm Application (4)
Session 14: Graph Algorithms (4)
Session 15: Combinatorics and Algorithm (3)
Session 16: Online algorithm and streaming algorithm (3)
Each paper will take 18 minutes to present.
Session 1 Computational Complexity and Approximation Algorithms (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. Graph convexity partizan games
    Samuel N. Araujo, João Marcos Brito, Raquel Folz, Rosiane de Freitas, Rudini Sampaio
  2. Approximately covering vertices by order-5 or longer paths
    Mingyang Gong, Zhizhong Chen, Guohui Lin, Lusheng Wang
  3. The Complexity of Distance-$r$ Dominating Set Reconfiguration
    Niranka Banerjee, Duc A. Hoang
  4. The complexity of strong confl?ict-free vertex-connection k-colorability
    Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Van Bang Le, Sheng-Lung Peng, Hoang-Oanh Le
  5. An optimal absolute approximation algorithm for computing $k$ restricted shortest paths
    Yue Sun, Donglei Du, Longkun Guo, Dachuan Xu
  6. On Extensions of Min-k-Union
    Hua Chen, Lin Chen, Shenghao Ye, Guochuan Zhang
Session 2 Graph Algorithms (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. Some Results on Critical ($P_5,H$)-free Graphs
    Wen Xia, Jorik Jooken, Jan Goedgebeur, Shenwei Huang
  2. A characterization of uniquely representable two-directional orthogonal ray graphs
    Asahi Takaoka
  3. Random Schreier graphs as expanders
    Geoffroy Caillat-Grenier
  4. Bipartite domination in outerplanar graphs
    Changqing Xi, Jun Yue
  5. A Little Aggression Goes a Long Way
    Neeldhara Mishra, Jyothi Krishnan, Saraswati Nanoti
  6. Strong chromatic index of graphs with small girth
    Yuehua Bu, Hongrui Zheng, Hongguo Zhu
Session 3 Algorithm Application (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. Topological Vulnerability-based Imperceptible Node Injection Attack against Dynamic Graph Neural Network
    Hui Xia, Yanan Jiang, Mingda Ma, Rui Zhang, Yang You
  2. FAIR: Accurate Data Acquisition for Mobile Crowdsensing
    Fuyuan Xia, Wei Chen, Xikun Jiang, Chenhao Ying, Liwei Lin, Yuan Luo
  3. The Hybrid Diagnosability of Hypercube Under the HMM* (Hybrid MM*) Model
    Aoshuai Tan, Chen Guo, Shengbo Chen, Yaoyao Luo
  4. Opportunistic Routing using Q-Learning with Context Information
    Xiaojing Liu, Jiayu Cui, Winston Seah, Xiaodong Xu, Celimuge Wu, Gang Xu
  5. A Distributed Algorithm for Rumor Blocking on Social Networks
    Ruidong Yan, Zhenhua Guo, Yaqian Zhao, Rengang Li, Xingjian Ding
  6. Private Neural Network Training with Packed Secret Sharing
    Hengcheng Zhou
Session 4 Combinatorics and Algorithm (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. Design and Characterization of Strategy-Proof Mechanisms for Two-Facility Game on a Line
    Pinyan Lu, Zihan Luo, Jialin Zhang
  2. Topological network-control games played on graphs
    Zihui Liang, Bakh Khoussainov, Haidong Yang
  3. Facility Assignment with Fair Cost Sharing: Equilibrium and Mechanism Design
    Mengfan Ma, Mingyu Xiao, Tian Bai, Xin Cheng
  4. Near-Optimal Algorithm for Supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Ad Systems
    Weian Li, Qi Qi, Bingzhe Wang, Tao Xiao, Changyuan Yu
  5. Sponsored Search Auction Design Beyond Single Utility Maximization
    Chao Peng, Chenyang Xu, Zhengfeng Yang, CHANGFENG XU
  6. MPMD on Two Sources with Lookahead
    Enze Sun, Bo Wang, Mengshi Zhao, Zixuan Zhu, Quan Xue
Session 5 Computational Complexity and Approximation Algorithms (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. A space efficient algorithm for multiset multicover with multiplicity constraints problem via algebraic method
    pu wu, Huiqin Jiang, zehui shao, jin Xu
  2. The Communication Complexity of Distributed Maximization
    Yuxiang Tian, Zengfeng Huang, xiaoyi zhu
  3. On Sorting by Unsigned Symmetric Reversals
    Wenfeng Lai, Haitao Jiang, Daming Zhu , Binhai Zhu
  4. On Sorting Signed Permutations by Flanked DCJs
    Xin Tong, Haitao Jiang, Daming Zhu, Lianrong Pu
  5. Binary Jumbled Pattern Matching: Suffix tree indexing
    Mario Veronesi Medina, Luis Felipe Cunha
  6. Can the 1.375 approximation ratio of unsigned genomes distances be improved?
    Chengcheng Sun, Haitao Jiang, Lusheng Wang, Daming Zhu
Session 6 Graph Algorithms (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. Almost Optimum \(ell\) -Covering of \(Z_n\)
    Ke Shi, Chao Xu
  2. Minimum sum vertex cover: kernelization and parameterized algorithms
    Yixin Cao, Ling Gai, Jingyi Liu, Jianxin Wang
  3. On the Minimum Edge Bisection of Graph
    Kun You, Bin Tang, Yifeng Chen, Baoliu Ye
  4. Parameterized Algorithms for Planar 2-layer Drawing with Vertex Splitting on a Given Subset
    Yunlong Liu, Guang Xiao, Jingui Huang, Jianxin Wang
  5. An FPT constant-factor Approximation Algorithm for Correlation Clustering on General Graphs
    Jianqi Zhou, Zhongyi Zhang, Jiong Guo
  6. A Quadratic Vertex Kernel for Diamond-free Edge Deletion
    Kangyi Tian, Mingyu Xiao, Haotian Pan
Session 7 Algorithm Application (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. A combinatorial view of Holant problems on higher domains
    Yin Liu
  2. NP-Completeness and Physical Zero-Knowledge Proof of Hotaru Beam
    Taisei Otsuji, Peter Fulla, Takuro Fukunaga
  3. Enumerating Floorplans with Any Set of Columns
    Yosuke Kikuchi, Shin-ichi Nakano
  4. Direct Sum Theorems From Fortification
    Hao Wu
  5. Relations between monotone complexity measures based on decision tree complexity
    Farzan Byramji, Vatsal Jha, Chandrima Kayal, Rajat Mittal
  6. The Voronoi Diagram of Weakly Smooth Planar Point Sets in $O(\log n)$ Deterministic Rounds on the Congested Clique
    Andrzej Lingas, Jesper Jansson, Christos Levcopoulos
Session 8 Online Algorithm and Streaming Algorithm (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. Single machine lot scheduling to minimize maximum weighted complete time
    Feifeng Zheng, Na Li, Ming Liu, Yinfeng Xu
  2. Improved approximation algorithms for multiprocessor indivisible coflow scheduling
    Mingyang Gong, Guohui Lin, Bing Su
  3. Facility location game for maximizing the social satisfaction on a line
    Xiaowei Li, Xiwen Lu
  4. Sublinear Algorithms for Scheduling with Chain Precedence Constraints
    Bin Fu, Yumei Huo, Hairong Zhao
  5. Nash equilibrium and price of anarchy for scheduling games based on a mixed coordination mechanism
    Zhiwen Wang, Long Zhang, Jingwen Wang, Wei Sheng, Yuzhong Zhang
  6. Streaming algorithm for balance gain and cost with cardinality constraint on the integer lattice
    Jingjing Tan, Cuiping Ge, Fenming Wang, Ziyang Li
Session 9 Algorithm Application (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. An Approach to Tight I/O Lower Bounds for Algorithms with Composite Procedures
    Rui Xia, Ligang Cao, Huajian Zhang, Jihu Guo, Xiao-Wei Guo, Jie Liu, Huaimin Wang
  2. A Partition-and-Merge Algorithm for Solving the Steiner Tree Problem in Large Graphs
    Ming Sun, Xinyu Wu, Yi Zhou, Jin-Kao Hao, Zhang-Hua Fu
  3. TCFNet: Temporal-Correlated Feature Fused Network for Multivariate Time Series Classification
    Wenlong Liang, Chenghao Li, Yahui Zhao, Zhenguo Zhang
  4. An Innovative Irregular Nesting Algorithm for Flaw Avoidance
    Hongji Zhu, Liping Chen, Shuguang Han
  5. Proactive Bi-objective Multi-Path Planning for Wireless Sensor Networks
    Yamin Wang, Xiaoping Li, Shuai Ma, Yuan Li, Qianfan Jia, Yizheng Li, Zhiqiang Wu, Qing Feng
  6. Extracting Representative Co-location Patterns Considering Distributions of Spatial Features and Instances
    Xuguang Bao, Shuaikang Yuan, Liang Chang
Session 10 Graph Algorithms (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. 1.6-approximation algorithm for generalized traveling salesman path problem
    Rui Li, Xianhao Meng, Jian Sun, Yijing Wang
  2. Construction Algorithm of Vertex-Disjoint Paths in Circulant-Based Recursive Networks
    Xiaoqing Liu, Hai Liu, Baolei Cheng, Yan Wang, Jianxi Fan
  3. Bicriteria approximation algorithms for the unit disk coverage problem
    Hao Zhang, Xiya Zheng, Xiaofei Liu
  4. k-Balanced Biclique Partition on Signed Bipartite Graphs
    Yifei Li, Jianzhong Li, Donghua Yang
  5. Approximating the Maximum Weight Cycle/Path Partition in Graphs with Weights One and Two
    Xinmeng Guo, Wei Yu, Zhaohui Liu
  6. Trade-off Between Maximum Flow Time and Energy Intake in EV Charging
    Xinru Guo, Sijia Dai, Xinxin Han, Yicheng Xu, Yong Zhang, Miao Shang
Session 11 Combinatorics and Algorithm (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. Robust Matroid Bandit Optimization against Adversarial Contamination
    Youming Tao, Xiuzhen Cheng, Falko Dressler, Zhipeng Cai, Dongxiao Yu
  2. Generative Flow Networks for Influence Maximization in Social Networks
    zizhen zhang, Deying Li, Yongcai Wang, Wenping Chen, Yuqing Zhu
  3. Average AoI Optimization at Wireless-Powered Network Edge with Stochastic Arrivals
    Quan Chen, Jungeng Xia, Jing Li, Yuan Chai, Hong Gao, Zhipeng Cai
  4. Convex-area-wise Linear Regression and Algorithms for Data Analysis
    Bohan Lyu, Jianzhong Li
  5. Assortment Planning with Sponsored Products
    Shaojie Tang, Shuzhang Cai, Jing Yuan, Kai Han
  6. Hedonic Games for Federated Learning with Model Sharing Data
    Yuqing Zhu, Chuanwen Luo, Deying Li
Session 12 Online Algorithm and Streaming Algorithm (108 Minutes 6 Papers)
  1. Enhancing Crowding Event Detection on Campus with Multidimensional Logs: A Meta-Heuristic Search Approach
    Maoyi Wang, Jiajie Shen, Jack Mao, Jihan Dai, Bochun Wu, Yun Xiong, Xin Wang
  2. An On-orbit Data Balancing Online Algorithm For LEO Satellite Cluster: A Repeated Stochastic Game Approach
    Ying Qiao, Juan Luo
  3. Construction of Binary Cooperative MSR Codes with Multiple Repair Degrees
    Lei Li, Xunchun Yu, Yaqian Zhang, Chenhao Ying, Liang Chen, Yuanyuan Dong, Yuan Luo
  4. Labor: Adaptive Lazy Compaction for Learned Index in LSM-Tree
    Chunpu Huang, Yukai Huang, Lulu Chen, Rui Zhang, Ming Yan, Jie Wu
  5. Perfect Indistinguishability Obfuscation for Boolean Polynomial Vector Spaces via Learning
    Ning Ding
  6. IterLara: Lara with An Iterative Extension as A Concise General Purpose Model
    Hongxiao Li, Wanling Gao, Lei Wang, Jianfeng Zhan
Session 13 Algorithm Application (90 Minutes 5 Papers)
  1. Privacy-preserving Byzantine-robust Federated learning via Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption
    Wenhao Jiang, Songwei Luo, Shaojing Fu, Lin Liu, Yuchuan Luo
  2. GraphDHV: Graph Neural Network with Dual Hybrid View on Imbalanced Node Classification
    LongQing Du, Guangquan Lu, Shichao Zhang, Liang Zhang, Guoqiu Wen, Zhiping Luo, Wanxin Cheng
  3. HR-tree: A Hybrid PMem-DRAM and Write-Optimized R-tree for Spatial Data Storage
    Rui Zhang, Yukai Huang, Lulu Chen, Shangyi Sun, Ming Yan, Jie Wu
  4. Target Influence Maximization Against Overexposure under Threshold-Dependent Model in Online Social Networks
    Xiaoping Zhu, Jianming Zhu, Guoqing Wang, Peikun Ni
  5. A Dstributed Computation Offloading Scheme Based on Stackelberg Game in MEC
    Weifeng Sun, Yixing Qin, Bowei Zhang
Session 14 Graph Algorithms (90 Minutes 5 Papers)
  1. Resource-limited Network Security Games with General Contagious Attacks
    Rufan Bai, Chao Xu, Ruilong Zhang, Chenyang Xu
  2. Approximating Continuous Multi-Agent Contracts with Lyapunov Function Methods
    Qinqin Gong, Donglei Du, Ling Gai, Dachuan Xu, Ruiqi Yang
  3. Maximin share allocation under knapsack constraints
    Bin Deng
  4. Algorithms for $2$-balanced connected $k$-partition problem in graphs
    jing hu, Jun ran Yu, Xiaoyan Zhang
  5. Monotone Properties of Uncertain Graphs
    Xinjue Gao, Kaiyuan Zhou, Hao Li
Session 15 Combinatorics and Algorithm (72 Minutes 4 Papers)
  1. VOABE: An Efficient Verifiable Outsourced Attribute-Based Encryption for Healthcare Systems
    Junze Lu, Chunqiang Hu, Tao Xiang, Wei Li, Jiguo Yu
  2. K-Division Framework Enhances GNNs’ Expressive Power
    Dun Ma, Suixiang Gao, Wenguo Yang
  3. Analyzing the Vulnerabilities of Targets in Clean-Label Data Poisoning Attack
    Yaoyu Jin, Xiaochun Yang, Jian Li, Rong Pu, Yujie Wang, Bin Wang
  4. Accelerating Topic-Sensitive PageRank by Exploiting the Query History
    Zhixin Zhang, Shufeng Gong, Yanfeng Zhang, Ge Yu
Session 16 Online algorithm and streaming algorithm (72 Minutes 4 Papers)
  1. Parallel Truss Maintenance Algorithms for Dynamic Hypergraphs
    Meng Wang, Qiang-Sheng Hua, Yefei Wang, Hai Jin, Zhiyuan Shao
  2. Efficient Partitioning Algorithms for Optimizing Big Graph Computation
    Baoling Ning
  3. Bi-criteria Sublinear Time Algorithms for Clustering with Outliers in High Dimensions
    Jiawei Huang, Wenjie Liu, Hu Ding
  4. Distributed generalized Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
    Hao Li, Daowen Qiu, Le Luo