
Camera-Ready Submission Guideline

Here are the guidelines for final paper submission.
  • Page Limitation

    Paper Length: The page limit is 12 pages (Including references and appendices). If your paper exceeds this limit, you will be charged an over-length fee of $100 per additional page. The maximum allowed length, including overlength charges, is 15 pages.

    The overpage fee is payable together with the registration fee on the registration page (Please check the corresponding box in registration).

  • Format Requirements

    For a complete author's guide, please refer to Springer_Instructions_for_Authors_of_Proceedings_CS.

    Note: Wrong format of the paper or delay to submit the camera-ready version will result in excluding your paper from the proceeding.

  • Submission Method

    Please follow the prompted steps in the EquinOCS system to submit. You may need to prepare:
    • Your camera-ready paper pdf.
    • Copyright form.
    • A source archive zip file including all the "tex" and "eps" files.

    For detailed instructions, please refer to Submit-the-Final-version.

  • Submission Deadline

    The final manuscript and all required documents must be submitted by June 15, 2024(AoE Time). Late submissions will not be accepted.

For any questions or concerns regarding the final paper submission process, please contact us at

We look forward to your participation in COCOON 2024 and thank you for your contributions to the conference.